Ayn Rand on Permission v. Persistence

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me — Ayn Rand

Do you wait for permission or do you just start and persist till you feel like doing otherwise?

In what area of life do you feel confident and creative? Maybe it’s in your volunteer role, where you have no problems coming up with ideas or raising your hand for the next project.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn what area of life do you want more confidence? Maybe it’s your job, where you haven’t asked for that raise you feel you deserve.

How can you bring more of the strengths you already have in one area of your life to another? Pretend that your boss is the head of development. Script your raise request with the energy you propose new fundraising ideas. Draw parallels between your volunteer work and your paid work until you can see how similar they are and you feel more comfortable applying your confidence across the board.

Remind yourself that you are unstoppable.