Monthly Archives: September 2015

Frank Sinatra on Revenge

The best revenge is massive success. – Frank Sinatra

Maybe you’re not motivated by revenge, but it’s a great attitude to take towards your naysayers (even if you just fantasize and don’t actually rub their faces in your success).success - enjoy the view

What would be extra delicious to achieve and have your naysayers find out about? Go for THAT.

Muhammad Ali on Confidence

I am the Greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. – Muhammad Ali 

Even Muhammad Ali had to build self-confidence. Of course, saying it doesn’t just make it so (I’m sure winning some matches helped!). But it’s still a poignant reminder that we have to be our own fiercest advocates. Many times, we are our first advocates.confidence - be your own fiercest advocate

Do you think you’re great?