Category Archives: life coaching

Chinese Fortune Cookie Wisdom on Happiness

Happiness is activity — Chinese fortune cookie

A lot of times we over-think things. We weigh decisions that are not yet upon us – I just got an interview at company X, but do I really want to work there (or even more inconsequential, do I really want that commute)? We replay options and scenarios again and again in our mind, even though we can’t possibly know the value of any of them without taking further steps. We worry about what might be or what might happen or what people might think, even when nothing has occurred yet.

Anxiety feeds on the unknown. Taking action diminishes the unknown and therefore the anxiety. Focusing on activity rather than analysis makes you happier.

Happiness is also supported by activity because getting our body moving increases energy. It also improves concentration. At times it feels like my cardio workouts are the only time my mind is quiet! Activity lightens our mood.

Where are you spending too much time thinking rather than doing? What activity can you add to your daily practice to fuel your energy, improve your focus and lighten your mood?

Leonardo da Vinci On Simplicity

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci

I finally ordered about $350 worth of new organizers from the Container Store and went closet-by-closet and drawer-by-drawer to purge and reorganize. I had more than a few, “Oh that’s where that was!” or “I didn’t know I had that!” a-ha moments. I found a $10 bonus card that was still good (cashed it!), as well as a year’s worth of school supplies I now won’t need to buy for next year. Everything is much clearer and simpler now. My file cabinets are next!

Where can you simplify?

Beyond organizing your possessions, can you simplify your career? What is your elevator pitch – your unique value or super-power in 20 seconds or less?

Can you simplify your schedule? What are the 3 key things you need to do today, not just copying and pasting your unfinished to do list from yesterday?

Can you simplify your inputs? We are bombarded with emails, advertisements, news (you have 50 messages, invites and pokes on Facebook!). Can you start a daily practice of silence for 5 minutes or turning off electronics for one hour before sleep or reaching for something other than your mobile device first thing in the morning?

Berrnadette Penotti on Awareness

With awareness, we can make new choices – Berrnadette Penotti

I worked with Berrnadette Penotti as my life coach in 2013. This quote on awareness is one of my favorite lessons from our work together. I would often lapse into, “I always do _______.” Berrnadette would remind me that every day, indeed every moment within the day, we have the chance to start anew. Even if I habitually reacted a certain way, once I was aware of that tendency, things weren’t pre-ordained; I could CHOOSE a different behavior, reaction, or outcome.

January has the natural momentum of a new year. But that puts a lot of pressure on January. What happens in February if you’ve already missed a milestone, dropped a habit, or run out of self-motivation.

If that happens to you, just start again. With awareness, we can make new choices.

Yisroel Bruce Krinsky on Thinking Long-Term

Play the long game. “If you can think of any problem you have today, picture your reaction in seven years,” he suggests. “Will it be affecting you then?” – Yisroel Bruce Krinsky, Renegade Furniture Group, No 127 on the 2013 Inc 500 list

Do you let everyday nuisances take you away from what’s really important?

Are your new year’s resolutions playing the long game? Are you focusing too narrowly or short-term?

Are you choosing goals for your life that you really care about? Or are you focusing on where you think you SHOULD focus?

My grandmother celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this week. Now that’s playing a long game!

Rebecca Matthias on Business Success

Think big.  Focus.  Never give up.  That’s your mantra.  Everything else will fall into place. – Rebecca Matthias

Rebecca Matthias is CEO of Mothers Work (retail outlets include Mimi Maternity, Pea in the Pod, and Motherhood). This quote is from her book, Mothers Work, one of my favorite business books — an inspirational and informative biography detailing how a 28-year old new mother took $10,000 and built a multimillion-dollar retail company.

Are you thinking big enough?

Are you focusing your attention on your most important priorities?

Are you persisting?

George S. Patton On Planning

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. – George S. Patton

Are you waiting for perfect conditions to start a business, change careers or [fill in the blank] when good enough is already here?

What goal has been put on hold due to more planning?

Can you start something today? Don’t even wait for the new year!

Do You Have Faith?

When you have come to the edge
Of all the light you know,

And are about to step off
Into the darkness of the unknown,

Faith is knowing
One of two things will happen:

There will be something solid to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly.

– Anonymous Poet*

Do you believe you have a solid foundation or the wings to fly?


*I first saw the above version attributed anonymously. I have since seen slightly different versions attributed to Patrick Overton and Richard Bach

Zig Ziglar On Motivation

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing . . . that’s why we recommend it daily – Zig Ziglar, speaker and author

I may need to post a motivational quote daily instead of weekly!

Are you pumped up each and every day?

How do you motivate yourself before a big meeting or important task? (Hint: if you don’t yet have a specific answer to this, look at what has worked for you in the past.)