Tag Archives: negotiation

Dr. Chester Karrass on Negotiation

You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate – Dr. Chester Karrass

Do you ask for what you want or do you fume in silence over what you get?

Do you practice making a case for yourself, speaking with confidence and overcoming objections, or do you wing it and hope for the best?

Negotiation is a critical skill for professional and personal success. Negotiation articles and videos are available in the SixFigureStart Negotiation Toolkit.

Will Ferrell on Compensation

Aren’t we all striving to be overpaid for what we do? – Will Ferrell

Do you begrudge a colleague for being overpaid? Are you afraid to ask for more for fear of seeming greedy?

It’s better for everyone when you are paid for your value.  You don’t get resentful at doing the work, and your employer or client keeps you happy and continues to get their great results. And because most people are shy about asking, you typically should stretch and ask for more.

Be prepared to promote yourself and negotiate.

Albert Camus on Money and Happiness

It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money – Albert Camus OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Money plays a significant role in pursuing your goals and dreams. You need money to invest in supplies, training, and other support for your pursuit. You need money to live your day-to-day. You need money to pay for your self-care, vacations and other ways you refresh yourself so you bring your best self to your pursuits.

Money does buy happiness. It doesn’t ensure happiness. But it does pay for many of the things that enable happiness to ensue.

So, take money into consideration as you outline your plans. Run the numbers as you make decisions on next steps. Negotiate the money – price, salary, fees – when you buy, change jobs, hire services for yourself or offer your services to others.

Where do you shy away from thinking about, talking about, or handling money?