Tag Archives: martina navratilova

Martina Navratilova on Limits

I think the key is for women not to set any limits — Martina Navratilova

I would say that not setting limits is the key for everyone. Can I do one more push-up? Can I fill my boss’ role? Can I do what I love, live the life I want to lead, and get paid fabulously well for it? Why not?OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I was freelancing when my two children were very young, and one of my clients was an organization where I could see myself in-house. I didn’t want to work the traditional 9-5, and I still wanted the flexibility to pursue creative projects (I was acting at the time), and I still expected to make six-figures. So that’s what happened. It’s not typical, but it can be done.

Where are you setting limits or making assumptions? There are no limits.