Tag Archives: confidence

Muhammad Ali on Confidence

I am the Greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. – Muhammad Ali 

Even Muhammad Ali had to build self-confidence. Of course, saying it doesn’t just make it so (I’m sure winning some matches helped!). But it’s still a poignant reminder that we have to be our own fiercest advocates. Many times, we are our first advocates.confidence - be your own fiercest advocate

Do you think you’re great?

Lucille Ball on Self-Love

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.  You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world – Lucille Ball

The first step of any goal is believing you can do it and you deserve it.

If you don’t have that confidence, can you move forward anyway and let your actions build your belief?

This follows for professional goals especially. Before you can convince your dream employer to hire you or your current boss to promote you or your ideal customer to buy from you, you need to convince yourself. Confidence attracts, and there are ways to become more confident even if you don’t feel that way right now.

Do You Have Faith?

When you have come to the edge
Of all the light you know,

And are about to step off
Into the darkness of the unknown,

Faith is knowing
One of two things will happen:

There will be something solid to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly.

– Anonymous Poet*

Do you believe you have a solid foundation or the wings to fly?


*I first saw the above version attributed anonymously. I have since seen slightly different versions attributed to Patrick Overton and Richard Bach